(Susan Maushart, The Mask of Motherhood: How Becoming a Mother Changes Our Lives and Why We Never Talk About It)
In one particularly poignant scene in Lynn Ramsay's film adaption of Lionel Shriver's novel We Need to Talk about Kevin, the character of Eva (portrayed by the brilliant Tilda Swinton) attempts to silence both her baby’s incessant crying and her own maternal despair by pushing her pram next to a loud drilling in the middle of a busy city street. Viewers are positioned to be bystanders to her transgressive act, and like the passerbys on the screen, we can choose to either engage or look and then turn away.
Although I will be writing a more full review of this much anticipated film in the coming weeks after its
In a feature essay in the most recent issue of Brain Child Magazine, Katy Read wonders:
"So which are we: A culture in which mothers hesitate to voice misgivings for fear of social reprisal? Or one so inundated with maternal kvetching that onlookers are understandably tired of it?"
I would agree with this writer that “it is still rare and socially risky for mothers to admit any discontent” and that “such intense societal disapproval” of maternal ambivalence keeps the subject under wraps . Indeed, I believe that far from reaching a “cultural tipping point”, there is an ever increasing backlash against such expressions of the taboo aspects of mothering. Read explains it this way: "Cultural constraints lead mothers to complain, which draws societal condemnation, which makes mothers feel even more stifled, which provokes further complaint …".
Our Mother Outlaws Speakers Series this Tuesday Nov 22 in Toronto will address this
topic specifically by showcasing the work of three local artists who make
visible the hidden and often challenging experiences of women’s lives as

artists in this panel discussion create work that seeks to address
the complexity of one’s relationship to the role of mother and in turn focus on how apprehension
and taboo, loss and disappearance intermingle with the celebratory aspects of
this transition. They challenge the stereotypes and critique the societal
pressures to conform to an ill-fitting mold that somehow still remains intact
and supported.
Undoubtedly, more honest and accurate visualizations of mothering “realities" -such as the ones
expressed by these artists - can lead towards radical transformations and challenges
to the dominant representations of motherhood as all bliss and perfection . Of course, in conjunction with such diverse
visual representations, mothers themselves must do the essential work of “unmasking motherhood” by speaking authentically and collectively with
other woman about these buried truths.
As Susan Maushart wrote: “Unmasking motherhood is a greater challenge to the
feminist imagination than all the other ‘women’s issues' put together”.

I hope the readers of my post also have a network of support to discuss their true feelings about mothering.
FYI: Upcoming Mother Outlaws discussion groups- Speakout and Speakeasy
For mothers in the London, Ontario vicinity, the next meeting of the London Feminist Mamas is Monday, November 21 at 6:30pm
Topic- Mothering and Guilt
For further information, contact Coordinator Shawna at
For mothers in Toronto, the next meeting of the Toronto Feminist Moms is Sunday, November 27 at 7 pm
Topic- What are the reasons and
advantages in continuing to focus on mothers, motherhood and mothering, as
opposed to parents, parenthood and parenting?
For further information, contact Coordinator Rebecca at torontofeministmoms@gmail.com
A London, England group is in its initial planning stages...please contact Jane at mothers@ambitiousmamas.co.uk for more details.
For information about starting your own Mother Outlaws discussion group in your community, please feel free to contact me at linnbaran@sympatico.ca
Image credits:
Jennifer Linton, I Speak you into Being-Gravid Series, 2003
Lindsay Page,
untitled-Spawn Series, 2007
Jennifer Long, untitled- Fold Series, 2011
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